Came across the Burquitlam Neighbourhood Plan (doc 689384.v1) in my noodling through things. I noticed that I'm encompassed in this plan, which was drawn up in September 2008. Guess I should have looked at all of this first.
The Objectives state:
a. To recognize the role of the Transit Village in accommodating compact, mixed-use transit-oriented developments near the Burquitlam transit station.
b. To recognize the Burquitlam Neighbourhood as a visible "gateway" to Coquitlam, and a major community activity centre.
c. To ensure a sound relationship between different land uses in the Development Permit Area, and the adjacent residential areas.
d. To ensure that all transportation modes is maintained in this area of relatively high density movement.
e. To encourage a good working and living environment that for residents and employees in the area.
f. To protect the potential for a future rapid transit alignment and station along Clarke Road.
Hey - what? we're a Gateway? They want to ensure that traffic moves through the soon to be high density area? I hope they read their own documents before the skytrain is finished. Traffic is already a mess here, I can hardly imagine how much worse it will get.
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